11,479 signatures
We need 38,521 more to reach 50,000

Save the animals, ban hunting

Only you can put an end to the cruelty that hunters want to hide.

Ohio, United States.
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What are monterías?

Montería is the most characteristic form of hunting in Spain and probably the most brutal in the world. A fundamental part of it are the rehalas: pack of up to 40 dogs that are used to find, harass and catch up with other animals.

Dogs used in hunting are exposed to serious dangers, they do not receive the veterinary attention they need when they are injured and they make long journeys in trailers where they can barely move.

Why do we ask for its end?

Tens of thousands of dogs used for hunting have been excluded from the state animal protection law, so they depend on regional regulations and future specific regulations that the Government promised to develop.

So far, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Sweden have banned types of hunting similar to what our undecover investigation found.

What are we going to do?

We do not forget them. It is our responsibility that the administrations do not do it either and we need you so that our demands are heard loud and clear.

With this campaign we begin a series of street actions and political pressure that are strengthened with the signing of this petition. We demand an immediate end to all forms of hunting that subject animals to suffering and cruelty that cannot be justified.

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11,479 signed this petition

Spain is not a safe country for dogs

Between 2021 and 2023, we have investigated the world of hunting to denounce the violence of this modality and the danger to which dogs are exposed in Spain.

In the rest of the European Union, hunting with dogs in the open field is prohibited due to the cruelty involved. Meanwhile, in Spain it is promoted, subsidized with public money and is even considered an Asset of Cultural Interest in some regions, such as Andalusia.

Following the exclusion of hunting dogs from the Animal Protection Law, these animals remain particularly vulnerable. Their well-being is a matter of public interest, which is why AnimaNaturalis and CAS International demand the prohibition of a practice that places Spain, once again, at the bottom in terms of animal welfare in the EU.

The objective of the campaign is to denounce the mistreatment and suffering of animals in hunting, not to point out particular or exceptionally crude abuses. What worries us is what tens of thousands of animals suffer daily that seem to go unnoticed, in a sustained, legally admitted and uncontrolled manner.

Animals should not be killed or used to kill others for fun.

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Your support will help us end this cruelty.

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